Advising & Teaching

I believe Tarot does not predict the future as we have free will & the ability to change our life’s direction at any given time. Rather, the cards impart insight into this moment & offer possibilities & potential. While the cards will not tell us what is to come, they will provide considerations to ponder when journeying forward. As a reader, I join with the cards’ Arcanas, suits, numerology, symbols, & key meanings while attending to my intuition & leading you into yours as we see what enlightenment the cards have for you.

Asynchronous Tarot Readings

These offerings include either an asynchronous ten-card Celtic Cross or three-card reading based on where you are on your healing journey. With both, you will forward your question, & with the three-card, you will select the spread from a curated list of options.

Prior to your reading, I will create a cleared space & meditate on your question to tune into your energy as I prepare the cards. During the reading, I will join with the cards’ Arcanas, suits, numerology, symbols, & key meanings while attending to my intuition. After the reading, I will forward you a document with the insights.

To request a reading, let’s connect.

Learn the Cards Workshops

These workshops are for individuals who want to explore the Tarot with a focus on their healing journey. Through readings & exercises, participants will develop their own relationships with the cards, their meanings, & their teachings.

Work With the Cards Workshops

These workshops are for individuals who want to work closely with an individual card or set of cards.

I am a Tarot Advisor certified through Biddy Tarot,
which is recognized as an Approved Training Provider by
the International Institute of Complimentary Therapies.