Writing as Healing

In Writing as a Way of Healing: How Telling Our Stories Transforms Our Lives, Louise DeSalvo explains that when we experience a trauma in our lives and explore it, examine it, and put it into words, “we stop seeing it as a random, unexplained event. We begin to understand the order behind appearances. Expressing it in language robs the event of its power to hurt us; it also assuages the pain. And by expressing ourselves in language, by examining these shocks, we paradoxically experience delight – pleasure, even – which comes from the discoveries we make as we write, from the order we create from seeming randomness or chaos. Ultimately, then, writing about difficulties enables us to discover the wholeness of things, the connectedness of human experience. We understand that our greatest shocks do not separate us from humankind. Instead, through expressing ourselves, we establish our connection with others and with the world.”

Research has proven that writing can be a catalyst along a healing journey, & I can attest.

My workshops & circles have that as their core.

Writing As Healing Workshops

These workshops are for individuals
who want to explore the healing capacity of writing,
how writing can be a catalyst to connect or reconnect
with self, & how writing can help to gain new perspectives
on stories as part of a path to healing.

Creative Nonfiction Writing  Workshops

These workshops are for individuals
who want to explore writing
in the genre of creative nonfiction.

Writing As Healing Journaling Circles

These circles are for individuals
who want to explore the healing capacity
of writing & how writing can be a way
to connect or reconnect with self.

Journaling Circles

These circles are for individuals
who want to write within community.

Writers Circles

These circles are for writers
who are looking for inspiration, encouragement,
community, & guidance as it relates to their writing.

I have an MFA in Creative Writing from Hamline University in St. Paul, MN & teach writing at Pine Technical & Community College & facilitate workshops and circles through Pine Center for the Arts as well as other community organizations.

I am not a trained mental health professional & though the offerings here have a therapeutic focus, they are not substitutes for therapy. Trauma survivors are encouraged to seek professional support.



Through my online teaching platform

In Person

Through Pine Center for the Arts


Let’s connect for additional possibilities